Thursday, March 31, 2011


well tomorrow is April fools day...what will happen with those crazy students of mine...i guess I shouldn't worry so much about that as about the poems that I am going to start writing and posting on here.  I can't guarantee that ll of them should be published but I want some sort of accountability with writing a poem a day for the whole month of April so here would be a good place to post them and then y'all could read them and weigh in on what you think...if you are willing, cause I know you are all able.

Right now I am writing a series of poems about how my husband and met and began may turn into a book of poetry about our life together we will see where the muse leads.  I have no idea.  I sort of got the idea from a book I just read called, what.... what was it called??? I can't remember.  When I do I will mobile blog it. There are alos numerous fictional books that are written in poetic form as opposed to prose.  the kids really seem to dig this style of writing.  I imaging it may be because they are reading it so fast and they feel accomplished when the finish the book quickly.

OK I know it really isn't late BUT I do teach high school and I do have to get up early, well for most 6:00 isn't THAT early but if sure feels like to comes awfully early to me even after 8 hours of rest time and a good 7 hours of actual sleep.  now I am just rambling bu those of you who know me best will just feel like I am talking to you on a caffeinated high :) not caffeinated at all right now just tired and IDK ready for a change...

Good night sweet heart well it's time to go....

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