This is how it used to be. Care-free, fun, silly sisterhood. Now, well, now it is different. So changed, my life is. I no longer have my blood-born sister on this planet. The spirits that were so intertwined at one point have now been separated. Don't get me wrong, I know where she is and that she is happy and totally at peace, but I feel so much more lonely here on this planet without her. I never realized how much our spirits were connected until I lost her. Lost really is a bad word for it. She isn't lost but any stretch of the imagination. I know where she is but she is no longer a part of this physical world and so I guess I feel a sense of "lost". While I think about the theology I believe in and the fact that she is up in heaven praising God and worshiping him, I wonder if those of us left here for the time are in their thought at all. The Bible doesn't leave any room for them to think about us. Truth be told if they did I think it would take away from the joy that they have in worshiping God. If they could see us and our pain without them here on earth what would they feel?
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