Sunday, February 27, 2011


So about 5pm my friend calls. Says what are you doing? I'm eating pie, I say. I has just say myself in front of the tv with a cup of coffee and a big bowl of razzle berry pie a la mode. Oh, she says well I'm at the concert. I say this is Syn-D. I know she responds. But I didn't but tickets. I know she says but my cousin did and she's so sick she can't come do you want her ticket? What? i reply somewhat stunned at the offer lemme talk to my husband. She says yea do that and get back to me. I sit and finish my pie. Ben comes down stairs and plops on the couch. I relay what just happened his immediate response is you should go...just go! I sit for a while longer and contemplate the idea. I finish my pie, go up to the kitchen and clean my dishes. Still I contemplate. A concert? On a sunday? With friends? No children? All unheard of in recent years and yet...

So I go upstairs where ben and ferdi are working on the computer so I can ask ferdi west he thinks about this. Of course or doesn't matter to what you want. So I text my friend how much? Where? $90 section 419 row b she replies. Hum? Why is it taking me so long to decide this?? Really babe its cool? So last minute...yes go! No worries...
So I go and tonight will be fun!!
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the pain of life that knows no bounds
The darkness has set in on my frail bones
And still I ride the ride and don't get off
It's not my stop yet
I know it will be soon enough
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Saturday, February 12, 2011

So if that's the law...

Then shouldn't everyone who is involved with the organization try their very best to follow that law?  It seems to me to be an easy thing to do, don't you?  I am not going to rant or tell the whole story here.  If you want to know it just ask, I will tell.  The frustrating thing is this has happened several times and specifically to my son and one or two others.  It is as if they don't deserved to be treated with the same kind of respect that others in the group are receiving.  This incident was the straw that broke the mama's back  and made me get up and leave with my son. Now he is saying that he wants to go back to the meeting this week.  I am not sure I can go to the meeting with him and watch this behavior by adults again without REALLY saying something this time.  Last time I held myself back so I wouldn't embarrass my son to much.  He told me I don't have to go, that I could just drop him off.  Them mama protector in me says that is the wrong thing to do.  If I go I will need to make sure that I don't blow my top and act like they do.
The thing is, I, of all people, understand what it is like to work with teens all day. Do I loose my cool sometimes? Sure, we all do.  Do I apologize to those students, the majority of the time, yes. No matter what the situation, I always come into the class every day with a new beginning.  In my class we all have those days and we all should be able to get a new start the next time we come into the class.  Unfortunately, in this scout case, my son has been stereo typed in a certain manner (slacker, lay about, no good, etc.)and they think that he won't change.  THEY are wrong.
Is my son following all the parts of the scout law?  NO WAY JOSE! He is a 13 year old boy who, just like all 13 year  old boys, pushes the limits to see where they will take him.  Does that mean that the adults who are supposed to be teaching him how to act in a manner befitting a scout are allowed to come down to his level? NO WAY JOSE!  I expect that the adults would show the boys how to behave and help them remember the law that they promise to follow instead of acting like children themselves.
The funny thing is, it is 3 of the adults who behave this way.  There are more leaders than that but these three make it an experience not worth reliving.
I am done with this for now and I feel better.  I would be happy if my son said, "I'm done with scouts.  I want to focus all my attention on my music and my voice."  I am so proud of my son.  He is an amazing human being, thoughtful, kind, faithful and honest.  I am so glad he is a part of my life and I know this little bump will just be a sideline, a story, a learning time for both of us.What's really funny is the other one has said he never wants to do scouts!!!  He is a soccer guy (his words).  BUT, more on that later....

scout law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, 
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, 
and reverent.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am really angry right now!
gonna wait till tomorrow to post what i am angry about let myself cool off before i vent on a public forum!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Well this essay on friendship is proving harder than I expected it to be.  Do I have my expectations of friendship set to high?  OR am I a horrible friend?  Maybe the latter is the case.  I am not one to call message or in many ways communicate with other people very much, so I guess that may make me a bad friend on the outset.  On the other hand I am the person who can easily pick up right where we left off and have no problem talking or otherwise communicating with people after long periods of silence.
I guess what I am thinking about with this essay is a definition of friendship...
it is a hard thing to flat define, isn't it.
The search continues!

See you again

I saw you in her
eyes tonight in
the sweep of her
hair.  I missed
you when I
touched her
skin so fair.
The way she
snacks away
not really
eating is so
much like
you there's
no deceiving
she is yours.
I'm glad she
can be here
even if for
just a bit
so I can see
you again.

~Jan 30, 2011


Friends from birth
But really strangers.
Long separations
Then intamate
"Love yous" exchanged
with deep sincerity.
My friend, my
sister, my family.
How is it that
we really didn't
know each others
deepest revelations?

~Jan. 29, 2011


What's that?
I don't know.
Text me,
Facebook me,
But don't
Talk to me.
That would
Take to much
Effort on
Both our parts.

~Jan 21, 2011